Sunday, 2 April 2017

2 for 1. Kwality Ice Cream!

This blog post is all about my last 2 weeks in India. As I took a mini-break across to the coast last weekend, I lacked all equipment and internet connection for a blog. So grab a cup of tea or coffee, put your feet up and enjoy an extended read...

I'll start with the lizards...
I like the lizards. They are everywhere, in houses, shops, schools, scurrying across worktops, walls and ceilings. They make massive croaking, clicking noises. I am happy to see a lizard.
So as I opened the half of a door that belongs to our art room at Arni, I felt something on my head. It turned out to be a little lizard. Much to the amusement of the kiddies.
Sad news, as I returned home one day, I found my little bathroom lizard dead on it's back on the floor. I was rather upset, I gave him a flush down the toilet to rest in Lizard Heaven.
I went for a wee at Arni and turned to flush the toilet, there was a lizard was in the bowl looking up at me. I don't know who was more surprised!!

So I became a tourist last weekend as I travelled across to Mahabalipuram and then down to Puducherry, also known as Pondicherry. The bus is a great way to get around India. Super cheap and great for people watching.
I got hassled by a monkey at the Mahabalipuram temples. I could not pass. He wanted my water and tugged on my trouser leg. So I shooed him away with my umbrella. To which he 'Brrrrrr'ed at me and moved aside. Umbrellas are not only protection from the sun, but also from animals and possibly humans.

Puducherry is a town with a cool breeze and good vibes. It was a beautiful place to spend a weekend away. I just walked and walked. I am a loner when I travel round. I can wander through streets for hours, stopping off at local tea shops. I was told by a guesthouse manager that there was something Indian about me. I said “Well perhaps it's the dress?” He replied. “No your face has something Indian about it!” I warned my boyfriend that I might be proposed to as a potential second wife, either that or I have eaten too much rice and samba!

Both places are on the coast. So to be by the sea was great. When I look to the vast seascape, I feel a connection across the seas to my fisherman.

I felt this was a well deserved weekend away. I can watch the people and scenery change, get inspired and be fresh for the week ahead!

It is peaking just over 40 degrees here. I think that I am coping pretty well! Apart from my eyeballs drying out and I'm getting the one armed truckers tan from the bus.

Workshops have been good, with snake attacks! So many cool and colourful snakes are now hanging from classroom ceilings. I spent one afternoon showing photos of home, family, friends and the UK to the children. It was an absolute success. My brother apparently looks like someone off the discovery channel. When I asked who, they mentioned whales. So a man who works with whales, or does my brother look like a whale? Only joking Harry! I think they all like to idea of coming back in my rucksack. 

The hostel project has had it's first splash of colour. I have no idea what the finished result will be like, I think what a big thing this is to be doing, but I can turn to my whale watching brother who is also a sign-writer for words of advice. And anyway this is why Art is so exciting.

This week I have given each of my students at Arni their own art folders. Which they spent some time decorating. I want them to understand the importance of respecting their work and others work which they produce. Even if it is a murky brown splash on a piece of paper. 

I have been working with a lot of one-off workshops, exploring the materials and techniques. I think soon I will be able to get certain groups onto longer themed projects. So we can watch the process and they can delve deeper into their imaginations.

 Things are getting creative with the girls workshop!

No tribal schools the last 2 weeks, as the jeep is currently having a make over. But we are talking of organising a summer art camp in the Jawadhi Hills at the end of this month to have lots of fun before the school holiday!

The Seb's Team headed down to the Learning disability school for a workshop. Taking chopped up coloured card pieces and glue, they made colourful collages. But the best part of this whole visit was the balloons I took to play with. I felt like I was back at a kids birthday party. There was joyful loud screams, and positive madness! I laughed a lot!

The banyan tree is a pretty amazing thing. This is the tree that fills the grounds at Arni (see photo below). The roots grow down from the branches. They are really strong. I have seen people swing on the roots before. So on the lunch break I asked the students if it would take my weight... weeeeeeee I didn't swing very high or very far. So I tried again. Weeeeeee!! The kids cheered! Then the principal told me I wasn't setting a good example. Whoops! Perhaps he needs to read or watch the Jungle book! “I'm the king of the swingers! Ohh, the Jungle VIP!” 

There is some maid love going on in the house. The maid that I try to practice my Tamil with always shows me big signs of affection. As I sat finishing my breakfast the other morning. She stroked my face with both hands, cracked her knuckles on her head and told me I was super. The following week she grabbed my cheek and kissed her fingers. I think working as a maid is hard! So I am probably a part of her day she can enjoy!

I am a big fan of dark chocolate. So when I received an art package from Articulate with 2 bars of extremely melted dark chocolate I was very grateful. I haven't had any chocolate in 2 months. The Indian sweets are a great alternative and it is too hot to be eating chocolate anyway. The bars went straight in the freezer when I arrived back home. I gave a small amount to my house mother Jhansi. She was not a fan. After about 15minutes, she told me her tongue tasted so bad! Ha! I guess all the more for me then!

I haven't eaten meat in weeks and weeks. And I don't miss it, especially when as I walk to my early morning yoga, I notice cockerels and cute little duckies. I turn my head to see “Classic Protein” shop... oh no! 

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